Delivering Superior Customer Service To Patients
Patients are your paying customers and because they prefer you over your competitors you are able to run a successful healthcare business. Healthcare is all about ensuring the wellbeing of patients and needless to mention, patients’ wellbeing is determined not only by the quality of healthcare services, but also by the quality of your customer service. Unfortunately, many healthcare professionals consider their jobs as only “jobs” and treat their patients in an indifferent manner. Healthcare executives need to treat patients with respect and courtesy and demonstrate mannerisms that uphold the ideology of their profession.
In the outpatient department, patients are usually allotted numbers and are asked to wait for their turns. It is quite surprising to note that patients are often treated as “inconvenience” and are made to feel inferior and neglected. Holding an argument with patients is considered as unprofessional behaviour. Your patients may argue with you for the wrong reason, but you should remain polite in your approach to explain why you cannot agree with them. You should communicate to your patients what they should expect and how you are going to make things easier for them. Importantly, while communicating with your clients, you should keep your messages simple and easy-to-understand. Use of complicated jargons may confuse your patients and they may end up misinterpreting what you are trying to convey.
In any business, showing thankfulness to customers and saying “Thank You” creates a magical vibe and strengthens relationships. Thank your patient for choosing you and prove your thankfulness through the actions that you undertake to promote superior patient-centric practices. Courtesy will earn you competence as well as confidence. Treat your patients in a way that you would like to be treated. Use appropriate words to demonstrate respectful behaviour and maintain eye contact throughout your conversations.
Try to recall why you joined healthcare. Did you want to take care of people or you wanted to make money? Many professionals forget who they are and what brought them to this field and end up being businesspersons who care only about making money. The healthcare field encompasses complex operations and when professionals forget their lives’ actual purpose and consider their professions as “jobs”, they end up making mistakes that may impact the lives of their patients in negative ways.
Make sure that you keep your promises and if you think that it is impossible for you to fulfill certain promises, be honest and let your patients know about it. Maintain contact with your patients even after the end of the care- period. A phone-call or an email from your side will go a long way to foster strong relationships.