Orphans Needing Medical Support

Giving Back – Supporting Orphans

Join us on October 17, 2017 to help support orphans all across the world.

What are Orphans? An orphan (from the Greek: ορφανός orphanós) is a child whose parents are dead, unknown, or have permanently abandoned him or her. In common usage, only a child who has lost both parents due to death is called an orphan.

From medical assistance to food, shelter, and education, there are many organizations that offer orphans financial support and beyond. We at 24×7 Doctors Answering Service are asking if you would consider researching and possibly supporting some of these orphan groups below:

Beyond The Orphanage

The mission of Beyond The Orphanage is to support, enable and empower at-risk orphaned children to become self-reliant adults. Orphaned children in developing nations are some of the world’s most at-risk people. They are susceptible to disease, illness, poverty and exploitation.

Miracle Foundation

The Miracle Foundation is an Austin, TX-based nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering orphans to reach their full potential. We know that miracles happen when you bring together those who have, with those who have not, so we offer tangible and fulfilling ways for people to help orphans.

Christian Alliance For Orphans

The Christian Alliance for Orphans unites 190+ respected organizations and over 650 church members.  Our joint initiatives inspire and equip Christians to live out effectively the Bible’s call to care for orphans and vulnerable children.


No one chooses to be an orphan. Many of these children are sick and need medical care, food, and more over – love. On Behalf of 24x7DoctorsAnsweringService.com we thank you in advance for considering supporting one of the above orphan organizations, or one of your own choosing.

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